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    Dog Proverbs

    Dog Proverbs for all dog quotes visit WWW.DOGQUOTES.COM for all general dog Proverbs. Click on link to open in a new page.

  • "If you call one wolf, you invite the pack."
    - Bulgarian Proverb

  • "A hyena intrudes through a gap a dog opened."
    - Ethiopian Proverb

  • "Oh hyena, don't give me excuse to eat me"
    - Ethiopian Proverb

  • "The sheep has no choice when in the jaws of the wolf."
    - Chinese proverb

  • "Live with wolves, and you learn to howl."
    - Spanish Proverb

  • "Do not give a hyena meat to look after."
    - African Proverb

  • "It is a hard winter when one wolf eats another."
    - French Proverb

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