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Pets & Animals Superstitions


    Pet & Animal Superstitions
    Page 7

  • Owls
    The ancient Greeks revered owls and believed them sacred to Athena. Affiliated with the goddess of wisdom and learning, the owl was considered wise and kind.

    Later on somewhere in time, the owl's reputation plummeted and hearing the hoot of an owl is now associated with bad luck. To counter evil owls people put irons in their fires. Or threw salt, hot peppers or vinegar into the fire, in doing so the owl will get a sore tongue, hoot no more, and no one close to you will be in trouble. When you hear an owl, take off your clothes, turn them inside out and put them back on. You might not want to do this if you are in public.

    Another superstition is that any man who eats roasted owl will be obedient and a slave to his wife.

  • Peacocks
    A peacock feather has an evil eye at the end. Argus, the Greek legend, says a hundred eyed monster was turned into a peacock with all it's eyes in it's tail.

  • Pigs
    One superstition to get rid of warts involves rubbing a peeled apple and giving it to a pig.

    Pet & Animal Superstitions Page 8

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