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    Farmyard Jokes
    Page 1

      Q: What do you give a sick pig ?
      A: Oinkment !

      Q: What do cows like to dance to ?
      A: Any kind of moosic you like !

      Q: What kind of bird lays electric eggs ?
      A: A battery hen !

      Q: What do you get if you cross a steer with a tadpole ?
      A: A bullfrog !

      Q: What game do cows play at parties ?
      A: Moosical chairs !

      Q: What do you get from a drunk chicken ?
      A: Scotch eggs !

      Q: What do you give a pony with a cold ?
      A: Cough Stirrup !

      Q: Where do milkshakes come from ?
      A: Excited cows !

      Q: Why do ducks have webbed feet ?
      A: To stamp out forest fires !

      Q: What do you get if a sheep walks under a cloud ?
      A: A sheep that's under the weather !

      Q: What do you get if you cross a chicken with a cement mixer ?
      A: A brick-layer !

      Q: Why does a rooster watch TV ?
      A: For hentertainment !

      Q: How do you fit more pigs on your farm ?
      A: Build a sty-scraper !

      Q: Where do sheep get shorn ?
      A: At the baa baas !

      Q: What would happen if bulls could fly ?
      A: You would have to carry an umbrella all the time and beef would go up !

      Q: What did the farmer call the cow that would not give him any milk ?
      A: An udder failure !

      Q: What do you call a crate of ducks ?
      A: A box of quackers !

      Q: What do you get if you cross a chicken with a bell ?
      A: A bird that has to wring its own neck !

      Q: What do you get from an Alaskan cow ?
      A: Cold cream !

      Q: What do you get if you all sit under a cow ?
      A: A pat on the head !

      Farmyard Jokes Page 2

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